TCAF has recognized the importance of optimizing our team for the upcoming 2027
World Championships. To ensure the selection of the strongest team possible, we have implemented a points system for our events.
Our team-building strategy involves utilizing
1) WAF World Championship
2) NAAF Championship
3) *Canadian National Championship
4) Qualifier/ Fundraisers we will be hosting in Canada.
Each athlete who participates in any of these events automatically secures a place on the team roster. The only way an athlete can be replaced is by being defeated at the table and by the challenger accumulating more or an equal number of points.
With 306 categories available at the WAF Championships, we have the potential to
assemble a team consisting of up to 612 athletes.
This comprehensive approach aims
to assemble a formidable team capable of competing at the highest level on the world
stage in 2027. (a complete list of WAF classes is available on the TCAF website)
* Canadian National Championships will be held in 2025.
TCAF Point System
TCAF Qualifier Tournament - 10 Points
There are 4 qualifier events that will be held in Canada in 2024. Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia.
Athletes only need to participate in the events to earn points.
TCAF National Championships - 20 Points
TCAF National Championships will start being held in 2025.
Hosting a TCAF Qualifier - 20 Points
Named host of a TCAF Qualifier will earn 20 points.
NAAF Championships - 20 Points
North American Armwrestling Federation Championships
WAF World Championships - 30 Points
World Armwrestling Federation World Championships
TCAF Qualifiers are used to qualify new TCAF members who wish to attend the NAAF Championship with Team Canada.
You must attend the National Championships OR NAAF to attend the WAF 2025 World Championships.
Points will only accrue for athletes who have paid their TCAF yearly membership.
The athlete with the most accumulated points will be awarded the rights to their chosen classes.
Points will reset every year after the WAF World Championships to qualify for the the following year's Team Canada Spots.
In case of a tie between 2 athletes, whomever placed higher at the 2027 TCAF National Championships will have the first pick.
Teams hosting a TCAF Qualifier event will have to choose (1) athlete to get the hosting points.
Remaining spots on the TCAF team for WAF World Championships will be offered to athletes with no points once the initial team is complete.
Athlete will be required to ask for a bye and pay the associated costs.
2027 WAF World Championship Team
Total points will be carried over year over year to qualify for the 2027 WAF World Championships in Canada.